Couples Counseling in Harish and on Zoom
If you are in the midst of a couple's crisis,
If your relationship is excellent and you want to receive tools to maintain a good partnership,
If you are dealing with the dilemmas of non-monogamy,
If you want to learn and believe in your ability to grow - I'm happy to help!
I believe in the power of the couples counseling process, and I believe in the ability of people to develop and internalize new tools. Couples counseling can change your lives.
Hey There!
I am Chen Reznik-Moran, a couples counselor, living in Harish with my husband and two kids.
How did I get into couples counseling?
I learned firsthand the intensity of a relationship burnout, which led us to a severe crisis and almost to the end of our marriage, with a signed mediation agreement and joint custody of a toddler and a baby. After a few months, we decided to return and rehabilitate the marriage, and since then we evolved and grew, building a strong relationship and a stable foundation that would also hold us during crises yet to come. When we felt stable and loving enough, we also decided to open up our marriage and live in a hierarchical polyamory, with our relationship at the forefront.
The sense of mission in light of everything I went through and realized led me to study Couples Counseling.
And what is it like today?
Today I meet couples and individuals in Harish or on Zoom, give lectures on relationships, and aspire to help others create nurturing and supportive relationships.